Quick Start - login into the EVA Portal
Log in into the EVA Portal
Login to the portal by entering the following link in your browser: https://eva.mobileodt.com/
You will be presented with the Welcome screen. Here you can:
- Set up - For new users. If you are new to the EVA System and did not set the password on an EVA device or on the portal.
- Log in - For existing users. If you have already set up your EVA user and have chosen a password in the system.
Note: If you do not have a user for the EVA System, please reach out to support@mobileodt.com |
Setting Up a New User
- If you are new to the EVA System and did not set the password on an EVA device or on the portal click on “Set up”
- Enter the email associated with your EVA User account.
- Click on ‘Send activation code’.
- An email will be sent with a code that needs to be entered in the next screen.
- Enter the activation code you received.
- If you did not receive an email check your spam and trash folders.
- After entering the activation code you will be requested to select a password.
- The password requires a minimum of eight characters including a capital letter, a lowercase letter, one number and one special character.
- This password will be used to access your EVA account, both on the portal and on EVA devices.
Log in to the EVA Portal
- If you have already set up your EVA user and have chosen a password in the system press ‘Log in’.
- Enter the email and password for the EVA System (the same used in the EVA device to create your EVA account).